Justin Rock
I appreciate your feedback. Firstly, this piece represents some of my older belief and needs to be revisited, which I plan to do after I finish a current project for Oak Journal.
In terms of Covid Pandemic, I find the conditions brought about by government over reach and the conversations about social relations (including social distancing, responsibility, individual liberty, etc..) as laying the groundwork for future conversations. Even now, we can utilize it for propaganda purposes, which I’m speaking on in the project I mentioned.
I'm skeptical of spreading blatantly wrong or "unscientific" ideas and news, because if released, it can discredit us in the eyes of the populace. However, we can bank on / weaponize the distrust brought about by the false news and the political fallout of it all.
I think it's best to target issues of automation, social stress (break down of values, or restriction of possible future values), surveillance, alienation, environmental impact, but COVID is a combination of many of these concepts as well as always developing travel and urbanization, which is what we can target.
I just went through surgery, so this message may be a bit messy, I apologize. Let's connect and talk sometime! Mind shooting your email?
For Wildness,